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We asked. You answered. Thanks for catching the Fine-Free Wave and attending one of our event in celebration of eliminating late fines
Managing Old Fines
Do you still have old library fines from before July 1, 2024? Take advantage of our Access Programs to clear these fines.
Volunteer Away Your Fines
Read Away Your Fines
Book Replacement Program
Fines Free
If you're wondering about a late fee for a book you returned on time, you should know that there are no late fees for items returned on or after July 1, 2024. Any late fees you're seeing would be from before this change.
If you returned the book when the library was closed, they'll check it in when they reopen, and you shouldn't be fined. It might take them a bit to update everything. If the book is still on your account after 24 hours, just contact the library where you returned it.
If you returned the item after it was 28 days overdue, you would have received a billed notice for the non-returned item. This notice would have included the cost of the item and any processing fees. However, after you returned the item, that fee would have been removed.
Related Page: Borrow & Return
- Search for the Item: Take some time to search for the lost item. You do not need to worry about late fees. As of July 1, 2024, late fees no longer accrue for returned items. Most physical items are also auto-renewed unless another customer has requested the item. You have time to look for the item.
Contact the Library: If you cannot find the item and are sure it is lost, contact your desired SJPL location and speak to a staff member. You will need to either:
- Pay for the lost item plus a $10 processing fee per item.
- Participate in one of our Access Programs to clear the fees on lost materials.
- Payments and Refunds: Once you have paid for a lost item, we do not issue refunds if the item is later found.
- Borrowing Privileges: Your borrowing privileges may be restricted until all charges are paid. Failure to pay may result in a referral to a collection agency.
Related Page: Borrow & Return
All SJPL cardholders can bring a new book to replace a lost book.
Before you pay, find a different way to eliminate your fines with our fine forgiveness programs, including the Book Replacement Program.
For the most current information on late fees, please visit the Fees section of our Borrow & Return page.
Additional Information:
- No Late Fees: There are no late fees on any items returned on or after July 1, 2024. Any fines currently on your account happened before this change.
Past Late Fees:
- Late fees did not accrue on Sundays or holidays.
- Items were considered overdue if not returned before the library closed on their due date.
- You can view due dates and any accumulated late fees for overdue items by checking your account online.
- If you've provided an email address, the library sends a courtesy email reminder before items are due and again 7 days after they become overdue.
- Services for an account are limited when fees reach $20.
Related Page: Borrow & Return
We want to help cardholders regain access to the library. It's part of our effort to reduce barriers to information and services.
Learn more about the Book Replacement Program.
Volunteer Away Your Fines
The Volunteer Away Your Fines program is open to all San José Public Library users. You must first register by contacting the library branch hosting the specific volunteer event.
Related Page: Volunteer Away Your Fines
Yes, your San José Public Library card is needed to sign in at all of the Volunteer Away Your Fines events. We recommend that you always bring your library card with you when you visit the library.
Related Page: Volunteer Away Your Fines
Yes, Volunteer Away Your Fines can be used for service hours. Library staff will be more than happy to sign off on your volunteer hours.
Related Page: Volunteer Away Your Fines
We ask that you keep your belongings with you at all times. Please leave large items (e.g. backpacks, skateboards, etc.) at home since the library has limited space to store belongings while you volunteer.
Related Page: Volunteer Away Your Fines
Volunteer Away Your Fines events start on time, so participants are asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to their volunteer session for a number of reasons:
- to check-in with the event host
- update their library account
- and get a new library card (if needed)
Related Page: Volunteer Away Your Fines
Read Away Your Fines
Learn more about how you can participate in Volunteer Away Your Fines.
Related Page: Volunteer Away Your Fines
Children and teens attend a designated Read Away Your Fines program, which may include story time, Reading Buddies, Reading to Dogs, Reading to Children, or Homework Club. Listen to stories or read any print material and you will receive a Read Away Your Fines voucher. There is no limit to the number of programs you can attend, however vouchers must be used the day they are earned on current fines and can not be used for future fines. At the end of the event, bring the completed voucher to the Information Desk to get credits towards late fees on your account.
Related Page: Read Away Your Fines
Children and teens under 18 who have fines on their library cards are eligible to participate in the Read Away Your Fines program.
Related Page: Read Away Your Fines
Read Away Your Fines is intended to help children and teens eliminate their fines so that they can continue to use the library and check out materials. The program is part of our continuous effort to reduce barriers to information and services.
Related Page: Read Away Your Fines
Read Away Your Fines can be utilized to remove the following fines/fees from your account:
- All San José Public Library fines/fees related to:
- Materials returned or renewed late, including Link+ items
- Lost or damaged materials
- Collection Agency Fees
- Read Away Your Fines does not include fines/fees related to:
- Link+ replacement
- Interlibrary Loans
Related Page: Read Away Your Fines
- All San José Public Library fines/fees related to:

Catch the Fine-Free Wave
San Jose has a history of making waves. From Krazy George’s legendary invention to our foundation’s advocacy and milestones like eliminating youth fines, we’re all about creating a more welcoming, barrier-free future for everyone.
Children's & Young Adult Materials = Fine Free
Foundation for a Fine-Free Future