The story of Myron (Kyffan) Wahlstrand and his life and bookstore.
Early Literacy at Home: October 2018 Calendar
These fun & simple activities are just one way to help develop your child’s pre-reading skills for October. Pick and choose or try them all!
YA Friday: September 2018 Monthly Wrap-Up
By Megan Maloy
Take a look at some of our favorite young adult books released this month.
Looking Back: Fill ‘er Up! Our Remaining Pre-war Service Stations
By Ralph Pearce
I decided to see how many of these pre-war stations I could find remaining in our city.
YA Friday: Banning Books Silences Stories
By Megan Maloy
Banned Books Week 2018 is September 23-29. These books have all been targeted with removal or restricted in libraries and schools.
YA Friday: In Their Own Words
By TeenHQ
Reading memoirs and autobiographies gives us a first-hand glimpse into the lives of people who have lived in different places and times.
YA Friday: Dangerous Girls & Fantasy Worlds
By Megan Maloy
Enjoy these fantasy novels laced with magic and political intrigue about fierce female protagonists who aren't afraid to wield a weapon.
Early Literacy at Home: September 2018 Calendar
These fun & simple activities are just one way to help develop your child’s pre-reading skills for September. Pick and choose or try them all!
What’s in a Name ~ California
By SJPL Staff
How did California get its name?
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