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The Rising Cost of eBooks
Did you know that the demand for eBooks and eAudiobooks has risen by 34% since 2019? With more and more people reading and listening on their Kindles and smartp
Summer Learning: Hall of Fame
Wonder what books were read most this summer? Find out as we cover Summer Learning Hall of Fame titles.
Summer Learning: Adventure Awaits
Summer Learning: Adventure Awaits
Summer Learning: Graphic Novels
Celebrate summer learning and get inspired for the graphic novel making competition with these titles.
Summer Learning: Beat the Heat
Beat the heat with these great books about summer, sweets, and young love.
Summer Learning: Book Reviews
Thrilled about the new books your reading? Check out these great Summer Learning book reviews from other participants.
Summer Learning: Mysteries & Camping
Escape into some good mysteries or camping stories.
Summer Learning: Explore Your World
Check out these great books to explore your world.
Summer Learning: Family Book Club
Reading together as a family? These books will help you decide on some family reads this summer.
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