Applications for the San José Youth Commission are Open!

Are you interested in joining the San José Youth Commission? If so, applications are now open to all youth aged 14–20 currently residing in the city. We are looking to fill seats for Districts 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for the 2025–2026 term. Please start your applications as soon as possible. Applications close on March 31, 2025!

What is the San José Youth Commission?

The San José Youth Commission is the official advisory group to the Mayor and City Council, which empowers and encourages youth to be civically engaged. Through local and citywide events, as well as initiatives and policy recommendations concerning and uplifting youth, we aim to promote equitable resources and resources available for youth and support for marginalized youth communities. The Youth Commission is scheduled to meet every fourth Monday in City Chambers, where all 11 commissioners discuss commission-related proceedings and update one another on our work plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply?

You can apply online. Please complete the application to the best of your ability, but note that you do not have to answer all the questions on the form. You only have to answer the required fields and supplemental Youth Commission open-answer questions indicated by the little flags explicitly on the form.

Do I have to be a San José resident?

Yes, you must be a San José resident to be appointed to the Youth Commission.

How do I know what district I'm in?

Visit the Registrar of Voters website and use the "Look up Your Districts" link in the sidebar on the left. Then, enter your home address, and your city district will populate on the screen!

What is the selection process, and when will I receive an update on my application?

For Districts 1–10, your respective Councilmember will be the one who selects their appointed Youth Commissioner to represent their district. For the citywide position, the Mayor will make the final decision. Depending on your district, you may be asked to complete an interview.

Once all the interviews and applications have been conducted, the decision to elect each Youth Commissioner will be finalized and confirmed at a City Council meeting in May. You may receive a status update before the April meeting; however, the council office handles the process and is subject to each district.

How long would my term be?

Each commissioner's appointment is for a two-year term. Any appointment to fill an unexpired term shall be for the remainder of such unexpired term. Commissioners are eligible for reappointment at the expiration of their first term for one additional two-year term. If you are eligible for reappointment, you must reapply.

Terms of office for commissioners for even-numbered council districts shall begin in even-numbered years; terms of office for commissioners for odd-numbered council districts shall begin in odd-numbered years.

So, terms for Districts 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and the Citywide seats would last until May 31, 2026. For Districts 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, the term would last until May 31, 2027.

What are my responsibilities as a commissioner? 

Commissioners are expected to attend all Commission meetings. Attendance is tracked for all meetings, and absence from three consecutive regularly convened meetings constitutes a resignation from the Commission. As a commissioner, you will be expected to periodically present recommendations and updates to our workplan to the City Council and Neighborhood Services and Education Committee.

Commissioners are also expected to hold forums in the community to involve youth in decision-making processes. Commissioners may be required to spend additional hours attending training, ad hoc working meetings, or engaging with their YACs (Youth Advisory Councils). All commissioners should anticipate making the Youth Commission a top priority.

What are the benefits of being a commissioner?

Commissioners can opt to receive a $200 stipend for every general commission meeting (provided they attended at least 50% of the meeting) and a few other commission-specific events they attend. Additionally, all additional work put toward the Commission goes toward volunteer service hours, which Commissioners can track and claim. Don't forget the honor of representing the 230,000 youth!

I have more questions.

For additional questions, feel free to reach out to