Celebrating President’s Day

Throughout history the White House has commemorated President's Day in various ways, from gifting Andrew Jackson a 1,400 pound slab of cheese to holding parades, plays, balls, and luncheons. Each presidency celebrates the day in their own style. This year President's Day is February 17, and what better way to mark the occasion by reading up on some of this country's presidents available through San José Public Library.

Presidential Memoirs/Biographies


cover of lincolndinner with the president covercover the peacemakerdreams from my father coverunlikely heroes coverthe fight of his life coverpresident garfield coverdiffer we must coveran ordinary man coverthe trials of harry s. truman coverfirst family cover


Juvenile Non-Fiction Titles

Take A Hike, Teddy Roosevelt! , book cover
U.S. Presidents: Weird but True!, book cover
The Next President The Unexpected Beginnings and Unwritten Future of America's Presidents, book cover
Presidents, book cover
Who Was John F. Kennedy?, book cover
Barack Obama Our 44th President, book cover
Ronald Reagan, book cover
the presidents decoded cover

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This blog was originally published on February 9, 2021.