Crochet and Amigurumi

Are You Interested in Crocheting?

Several branches of the San Jose Public Library host knitting and crocheting clubs, where you can learn these valuable skills. We also have an amazing selection of books from beginner level to expert level techniques, as well as various regional styles, and the newest trend of Amigurumi.

History of Crocheting

Both knitting and crocheting developed from an earlier technique known as Nalebinding. The earliest known textile created with the Nalebinding technique was found in a cave in Judea, and dates back to 6500 BC.  Rather impressive that the textile survived all this time. Various techniques of needlework developed all over the world, throughout the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. Each technique was passed down by the artisans, developed even further, and exchanged through trade networks. Over time, these techniques led to the modern versions of what we know as knitting and crocheting. 

While a majority of us rely on factory made, mass-produced textiles, I find that the skills of knitting, crocheting, and sewing to be a worthwhile endeavor. Not only are you able to repair items with these skills, but your dexterity can improve, and it can also be a very calming activity (with the exception of the inevitable game of tug of war that happens when my pet Bunny decides that the yarn belongs to her). Note: if you have pets who are inclined towards mischief, you may need to think of some creative solutions with the placement of your crafting materials.

The most recent trend of crocheting has created some amazing pieces of art through what is known as "yarn bombing". This is a type of public graffiti art done with yarn and using crochet techniques. There are some questions as to the environmental impact of the materials, especially if the yarn bombing is wrapped around a tree. The other popular trend is the Japanese form of crochet known as Amigurumi. Amigurumi is the creation of small, stuffed figures using yarn and crochet techniques. The reason it is so popular now is because many of these creations are tied to popular fandoms. Almost every current fandom has a book dedicated to creating Amigurumi characters. 

Crocheting Books for You!

For more information, take a look at our amazing selection of books!

Crochet Books: 

Super Easy Crochet for Beginners

Complete Crochet Handbook

Crochet Secrets From the Knotty Boss

Hot Girl Crochet

Every Way With Granny Crochet


Amigurumi Friends


From the Films of Harry Potter

The Muppets

Chonky Amigurumi for Beginners

More Cool Crochet: 

Crochet Creatures of Myth & Legend

Dark & Dramatic Mosaic Crochet

Adorable Houseplants to Crochet

Crochet Flower Corsage