Cultivate Your Creative Writing Practice: New Year, More Writing!

Vintage typewriter with quill pen and books.

This blog post was written by Amritha Jayasankar

New Year, More Writing! 

It's a new year! We can't believe how fast last year went by. Exciting new beginnings are in the air. For the new year, we might be letting go of things that didn't work for us and starting again on goals that we want to achieve.

Whether you're wondering where to start or freshen up your current writing practice, here are a few tips, prompts, and resources. 

Keep an eye out for Spring into Poetry! 

Spring Into Poetry


Reflect on your writing practice from last year as a curious observer and use a journal to answer the following questions:
  • What were some strategies that helped you stick to your writing habit? 
  • What were some things that stopped you from writing? 
  • Are there some adjustments you'd like to make such as how much time you'll spend writing, or increasing or decreasing the number of words you'll write?

Banishing "All-or-Nothing" Thinking and Perfectionism

A main reason that some New Year's Resolutions fail is the "all-or-nothing" thinking, or giving up because we're trying to change up too many things too soon. Think about starting small to nurture your writing habit instead of having a perfect writing day or having the perfect first draft. The key is to have a steady and consistent practice that you can repeat day after day, putting in the work. You can then edit your work and refine with feedback from someone you trust. For tips about how to take manageable steps to start a writing habit, see Cultivating A Creative Writing Practice, opens a new window

Defeat the Blank Page

Sometimes we look at a blank page and...absolutely nothing comes to mind. Explore these ways to get those ideas flowing! 

  • Free write about anything or everything on your mind
  • Make some doodles
  • Copy down a quote or scene that you enjoyed from something you recently read.

Need Ideas? Check Out These Prompts

  1. Write a story or poem that describes the feeling of new beginnings or fresh sparks and possibilities.
  2. Short story: Write a short story about someone who achieves an impossible New Year's resolution. 
  3. Poem: Take notice of street signs and write a poem about an interesting street sign that you see
  4. A "How To" Poem: Write a poem on how to do a mundane task and make it more extraordinary: like making your favorite drink, making a sandwich, driving to work, picking what clothes to wear, or checking the mail.

Writing Books for Inspiration and Reference 

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