Fall Into Fiction 2024: First Writing Prompt


Fall Into Fiction Contest Details

The Fall into Fiction short story contest is now upon us! Between September 1st and September 30th, you have the opportunity to make your voice and story heard! In just 8000 short characters, you can tell the story you’ve always dreamed of telling to the world. Therein lies a challenge, however. Although it’s been said that everyone has a book inside of them, we all carry many stories within us. Throughout the next few weeks, I’ll be throwing out some writing prompts to help get the creative juices stirring.

First Prompt: Lean into Humor 

So, the first prompt is: "What is the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you?" Although we tend not to share the unhappy parts of our lives, starting a conversation with, “A funny thing happened to me…” and you’ve immediately got everyone’s rapt attention, just waiting to hear the punch line for a laugh. This is important, because people really want to hear a funny story. “Laugh and the entire world laughs with you…” There’s a reason for that—we want to laugh, and there’s nothing better than a good punch line to do that. And there’s certainly no higher form of flattery than to hear someone say, “you won’t believe what my friend told me the other day…” and to hear the laughter erupt again. A good laugh is worth passing on.

So, what IS the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? What do you look back on and think, “Oh my god, I can’t believe that happened” and then makes you laugh out loud. Your story is out there, so please share it. We need to hear a good story…

Funny Books to Get Your Started 

Here are a few suggestions to get you in the mood:

Humor Me

All Wound up

Girl Logic

I Can't Make This up

The Funny Stuff

You'll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey

You Can Only Yell at Me for One Thing at A Time

Vacuuming in the Nude

Wit's End

The Best of Me