Happy Father's Day
"We never know the love of a parent until we become one ourselves." —Henry Ward Beecher
"There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one." —Sue Atkins
"Remember: What Dad really wants is a nap." —Dave Barry
Father's Day is June 16, 2024. It's a time for recognizing fathers of all types for all the things they've done for us over the years! There is no one way to be a great dad. It requires compassion, sympathy, understanding, and sometimes tough love. Unfortunately, "Dad School" has yet to be invented (although there is a Being a Great Dad for Dummies book!), and most of us simply learn as we go along, hoping that everything will turn out alright.
The rewards, however, are many. To give a personal example, one morning when my daughter was still an infant, we were lying in bed together on a day when nothing was going right. The world seemed to be crashing down all around me. My daughter turned over and said, "Da!" for the first time. Suddenly, it was one of the best days of my life.
Some of the happiest memories of my childhood were with my father: playing games, hiking, learning to swim, and imparting lessons from his life that stay with me still. I hope many of you out there have similar memories of your father, too.
Prep for Father's Day with Us
Connect with your dad this Father's Day—engage in a fun activity, go out to eat or have an outing. Create a craft at one of the many SJPL Father's Day Craft Programs, from June 10–June 16. Let him know how much he means to you. I think you'll be glad you did—and he will, too.
Dad Books
Also, check out SJPL's collection of titles about dads and Father's Day below.
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