Free Comic Book Day is here again! Each year, you are invited to discover new comics and pick up free issues from a wide variety of series and publishers. Free Comic Book Day traditionally takes place on the first Saturday of May. The organizers believe that there is a comic out there for everyone, and offer a wide range of comics that appeal to many interests and age ranges. Many publishers participate including Marvel, DC, Image, and Boom!, and many more.
Check out this year's catalog of free comics. Titles are selected each year by a committee of comics professionals and represent and showcase the breadth and variety of the comics industry. Comics are divided into two categories: Silver and Gold. The Silver category includes independent and lesser-known works and more mainstream titles are in the Gold category. Some comics stores let you take several different comics while others will have a limit. You can find out which stores in your area are participating with the store locator. Libraries can also participate and distribute free comics, including San Jose Public Library!
On Saturday, May 6, 2023, San Jose Public Library locations will have the following free single-issue comics available!
Comics for All Ages
- Spidey and Friends
- Babysitters Club
- Last Kids on Earth
- Fann Club/Clark and Lex
- Fann Club: The Batman Squad
- Star Wars
- Dogman
- Animal Crossing/Kirby
- Mech Cadets
- InvestiGators
Comics for Teens & Adults
- Dawn of DC
- Marvel Voices
- Choujin X/ Rooster Fighter
- Sacrificers
- Cursed Library
- Shaman King/Welcome to Demon School
- Spider-man
- DAWN OF DC # 1
Additionally, here's a list of our eComics collections:
- Hoopla Comics
- Overdrive Comics
- Boundless Comics
- Biblioboard -- ~2.5k results for search term "comics OR graphic novels" including, of course, GNMC's own anthologies
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