Leaders x Libraries: Councilmember Peter Ortiz

Councilmember Ortiz in a composite inside Educational Park Branch.

Leaders x Libraries

We're happy to introduce District 5 Councilmember Peter Ortiz. Elected to the San José City Council in 2022, Councilmember Ortiz represents District 5 neighborhoods in East San José including Alum Rock, East Foothills, and King and Story Rd.

We're excited to have him participate in our Leaders x Libraries blog series to share what he loves most about libraries and how libraries have shaped his life while growing up.

Get to Know Councilmember Ortiz

Q. Do you have an SJPL Library Card?
A. Yes!

Q. Where did you get your first library card?
A. Educational Park Branch Library

Q. Do you prefer ebooks or physical books?
A. Physical Books

Q. What is your favorite book?
A. East Side Dreams by Art Rodriguez. It’s an incredible memoir of a young man struggling to overcome a difficult childhood and to turn his life around after journeying through the criminal justice system.

Q. What are you currently reading or learning?
A. I am currently reading The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein.

Q. What does the library mean to you, and why do you think libraries are essential to society?
A. As someone who pursued a self-education, the services the public library provides is so essential to me. The library provides everyone access to the world’s knowledge, and fosters a love of learning in community members of all ages. Beyond books, I’m proud to support our public library’s great range of programming to help all our people better themselves, further their careers, and enrich their lives.

Favorite Books

East Side Dreams, book cover
The Color of Law, book cover

Explore District 5's Branch Libraries

alum rock library outsideDr. Roberto Cruz Alum Rock Branch
3090 Alum Rock Ave.
San José, CA 95127

an image of the educational park branch libraryEducational Park Branch
1772 Educational Park Dr.
San José, CA 95133

Exterior of Hillview Branch Library.Hillview Branch
1600 Hopkins Dr.
San José, CA 95122

Mt. Pleasant Neighborhood Library
3411 Rocky Mountain Dr.
San José, CA 95127

Inspired to share why you love libraries?

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