LGBTQ+ History Month & Intersex Awareness Day

Written by SJPL Staff Member Wendy Bateman

What You Might Not Know About Intersex Awareness Day 

Did you know that up to 1.7% of the global population is born with intersex traits? That’s roughly the same percentage as people with red hair! This statistic, reported by the United Nations, shows that while intersex people are common, they remain largely invisible in mainstream conversations about gender and identity. As we celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month this October, we’re taking a closer look at Intersex Awareness Day on October 26th—a day dedicated to raising visibility and understanding of intersex people and their experiences, including right here in our San José community.

What Does "Intersex" Mean? 

The term intersex refers to people born with physical sex characteristics—such as chromosomes, hormones, or anatomy—that don’t fit traditional definitions of male or female bodies. It’s a natural variation in human biology, not a medical issue to be “fixed.” Yet, intersex individuals often face intense social pressure to conform to binary gender expectations—the rigid belief that people must be strictly male or female. This pressure frequently results in unnecessary medical interventions and ongoing discrimination.  

Why Intersex Awareness Matters 

For many intersex individuals, awareness goes beyond identity—it is also about advocacy and human rights. Research has shown that intersex individuals have historically been marginalized, even within LGBTQ+ advocacy. From invasive medical treatments during childhood to the ongoing struggle for bodily autonomy, the intersex community faces distinct challenges. Estimates from InterACT Advocates for Intersex Youth suggest that up to 1 in 2,000 people in the U.S. are born intersex, making it crucial that we support their rights and work toward greater inclusion.

How You Can Create Positive Change 

Small actions can make a significant impact in raising awareness, breaking down stigma, and fostering a more inclusive and informed society. At SJPL, we are proud to offer a variety of resources that highlight intersex voices and the broader LGBTQ+ community.  

This Intersex Awareness Day, we celebrate the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community and embrace perspectives that deepen our understanding and strengthen our connections. Together, we can uplift voices, promote understanding, and build a community where everyone feels valued and included.

Check out these titles featuring intersex stories for teens and adults

Want to explore more?

Visit our LGBTQ+ Resource Page for recommended reading lists and a curated selection of local resources that address the diverse needs of our community.  

Eager to dive deeper into LGBTQ+ history? Explore our eResource, Global Encyclopedia of LGBTQ+ History.