Read More in 2025
Happy New Year! Are you setting goals for this upcoming year? If so, is reading more one of them? Good news —our library experts have come together to share tips and tricks to help you read more in 2025. Whether you're setting goals or just looking for ideas, we've got you covered.
Listen to Books
Audiobooks are a quick and easy way to listen to books while you work, exercise, or clean.
I like to multitask by listening to audiobooks while I do chores or exercise. I also make sure to set aside time and have a space to sit down and read. —Mikayla, read 30+ books last year.
I have a long commute, and I have discovered that I can get through eAudiobooks a lot faster if I listen to them at 1.75x speed. I actually find that the increased speed keeps me more engaged. —Rebekah, read 52 books last year.
I keep my audio device close and turn it on as soon as I have a mindless activity to perform. —Mark, read 100-150 books last year.
Set a Fun Challenge
Make reading interesting by setting unique challenges! Explore a new author, tackle a debut novel, or read a book with friends.
I like to participate in the Library's Summer Learning and Winter Reading Challenges. I also keep a journal of all the books I read. I love reviewing the list and it keeps me motivated to read more! —Michelle, read 20 books last year.
The only goal I keep every year is to read one classic in January. —Monique, read 74 books last year.
Try our Staff Picks Lists
Goods news — you never have to look far to find a good book recommendation here at SJPL! You can always try our 5 for U service and get a free personalized book recommendation.
Staff picks lists from SJPL staff help tremendously when looking for my next read. Even just taking a moment to browse the shelves has resulted in finding some lovely gems, too, which keeps the motivation going! —Michelle, read 15 books last year.
SJPL Staff's Top Books of 2024
Always Carry a Book
Take your book with you wherever you go. With eBooks, your library is always in your pocket.
[I] make sure to keep a book with me at all times. Debating on getting a Kindle or e-Reader for 2025. —Cassie, read 15 books last year.
Make it a Habit
Small daily habits lead to big results!
Commit to making it a habit. Try to do at least 10-15 minutes a day when starting a book and you may find it gradually snowball with each reading session. —Justin, read 13 books last year.
Bedtime stories are sacred in our house—reading is always part of our nightly routine. For my personal goal of reading one book just for me, I picked something fun: Britney Spears’ memoir (audiobook, of course). I loved every second and felt totally validated when I saw it was one of the library’s top checkouts this year. I'm proud to be one of the many library card members who made that happen—you're welcome! And remember: no matter what you read, how you read it, or who you read with—it all counts. Trust me. I'm a librarian. 😉 —Julie, read 700 books last year.
No Reading Goals
Reading doesn’t have to be tied to a goal — sometimes it’s all about what catches your interest.
Honestly, I don't have reading goals. I just read what piques my curiosity and catches my attention! —Kristen, read 6 books last year.
I don't really set goals when it comes to reading. For me, reading is as intrinsic to my life as eating, sleeping, and breathing. —Lisa, doesn't keep count but always has a book!
Track Your Reading
Logging your books can boost motivation and make finding your next read easier.
I log my books using GoodReads which helps me remember which titles I have read. I read more when I have a good list of books I want to read so I can grab the next one quickly. Finding a good site to recommend titles has made this easier. I also abandon titles when I realize I am not reading because I am not interested in finishing that specific title. Like most readers, I have an audiobook, a fiction book, and a nonfiction I am reading going at the same time so I can always read no matter my mood or family obligations. —Sarah, read 54 books last year.
Did you know that your library catalog has a way for you to track what you've read and what you want to read? Find out about how Shelves work.
Read What YOU Want
Reading doesn’t have to follow a strict plan — it’s all about enjoyment.
I check out any book that captures my attention, whether it's the subject, genre, author, or even the cover. When I start reading, if I feel that the story isn't as interesting, I'm not afraid to put the book down and read the next one. With this process of elimination, I've found I've read way more books than my previous years. I also have a list of the books and authors I've read so far, and it's motivating to keep adding to the list. —Amritha, read 47 books last year.
My goals revolve more around having a good time with reading and with books than meeting a specific number. Rather than feel pressured to reach an arbitrary goal, I try to focus on just having fun and learning interesting stuff. (Which means if a book isn't catching my interest, I just let it go!) —Jeff, read 10–12 books last year.
Share Your Goals
We’d love to know how you’re planning to read more this year! Tag us on social media or add a comment below with your 2025 reading goals.
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