Your Library, Your Voice – Take Our Survey

Customer satisfaction scale from sad to meh, to happy and friendly faces.

We Need Your Input!

This is your library, and we want to know what you think! What do you love? What can we improve? Your voice helps shape the future of our library, and it only takes a few minutes to share your thoughts by October 6, 2024.

Take the Survey

English   Español   Tiếng Việt   繁體中文

Why Take the Survey?

  • Quick & Easy: 4-8 minutes, tops!
  • Open Until: October 6, 2024
  • Available in: English, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese

Your Voice Matters

Your feedback helps us make sure we're meeting the needs of everyone in our community. Together, we can make our library better for all. Thank you for sharing and for being part of what makes our library special!