Library & Education Commission

Mission Statement

The Commission advocates for high quality, impactful, and innovative library and education services that serve as a foundation for a vibrant and diverse city. The Commission provides a venue for public discussion of services and resources that support and promote education and world-class libraries.


Acting as the voice of the public, the Commission studies, reviews, evaluates, and makes recommendations to the City Council and the San Jose Public Library administration regarding existing or proposed library facilities, education and library programs, operations, services, financing, and leading edge developments. The Commission advocates high quality and impactful library and education services and, as a forum for public discussion of library and education needs, the Commission facilitates communication between the public, the City Council, and the San Jose Public Library staff.

Meeting Agendas, Minutes, & Reports

Attending Meetings

The Library and Education Commission meets 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on the third Wednesday of the month. The Commission does not meet in July or December. Meeting locations vary each month, please refer to the meeting agenda to confirm the location.

Meeting days and times.

All meetings are open to the public the entire duration. Commissioners are expected to attend all sessions. Requests to place a particular topic on the agenda must be submitted in writing or email, a minimum of two weeks in advance. Mail your request to:

San José Public Library
ATTN: Library Commission
150 E. San Fernando St.
San José, CA 95112

Or, you may email your request to Enter "Agenda Request" as your subject.

Library Commission Agenda Procedures (PDF)

Support Activities

  • Library Bond Oversight Committee - Work with community representatives to annually review Library Bond Project expenditures and report findings to the City Council.
  • Library Parcel Tax Oversight Committee - Annually reviews Library Parcel Tax expenditures and reports findings to the City Council.
  • Liaison to Friends Groups & Other Library Organizations - Act as a communication link between the commission and assigned support groups.
  • Budget Review - Annually review and comment on the Mayor's Budget Plans to the Mayor and City Council members.
  • Long Range Planning - Provide public representation on library planning committees.
  • Government Policy Review - Monitor proposed policies and advocate those that would have a positive impact on public library service.
  • Community Involvement - Represent the commission at community activities involving the library system.

Commission Membership & Assignments

The Library and Education Commission is composed of 15 members, four of whom have significant experience in early education. Each Commissioner serves a four-year term with the potential to be reappointed to a second four-year term.

For those ages 14-20, consider participating in the City of San José's Youth Commission.

Commission Vacancies and Application Information

Eligible for reappointment

Commissioner Marvin McCrary

Marvin McCrary

Term Expires: June 30, 2029
Represents: Citywide

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District 1

Headshot of Commissioner CoCo-Nicole Banks.

Coco-Nicole Banks

Term Expires: June 30, 2027 *
Represents: District 2

José Magaña

José Magaña, Chair

Term Expires: June 30, 2025
Represents: District 3

Council District 4 Commissioner Deniz Westphal.

Deniz Westphal

Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Represents: District 4

Commissioner Jose L. Abastida

Jose L. Abastida

Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Represents: District 5

Patricia Gardner

Term Expires: July 1, 2027 *
Represents: District 6

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District 7

Patricia Mendoza

Patricia Mendoza

Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Represents: District 8

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Gerard Roney

Term Expires: June 30, 2025*
Represents: District 9

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Melanie Sellar

Term Expires: June 30, 2027*
Represents: District 10

Angelica Ramos

Angelica Ramos, Vice Chair

Term Expires: June 30, 2025 *
Represents: Early Childcare Seat 1

Kristen Brown

Term Expires: June 30, 2025 *
Represents: Early Childcare Seat 2

Janice Allen

Janice Allen

Term Expires: June 20, 2025
Represents: Early Childcare Seat 3

Commissioner Westley Baker

Westley Baker

Term Expires: June 30, 2026*
Represents: Early Childcare Seat 4

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