Learn how to navigate the resources available to help with your job or career change. Links to resources on resumes, job searching, and interviews, as well as small businesses.
Build Your Career Skills
These lessons will help you build your digital career skills.
Job Skills and Applying Online
Habilidades laborales y solicitud en línea
Hướng Dẫn Tìm Việc Làm - Phần 1: Tìm Việc Trên Mạng
Hướng Dẫn Tìm Việc Làm - Phần 2: Nộp Đơn Xin Việc
Job Skills and Applying Online
Habilidades laborales y solicitud en línea
Hướng Dẫn Tìm Việc Làm - Phần 1: Tìm Việc Trên Mạng
Hướng Dẫn Tìm Việc Làm - Phần 2: Nộp Đơn Xin Việc
Library eResources
Find Library resources on Business and Money.
Library Services & eResources - Careers
SJPL Works
LearningExpress Library: Recursos Para Hispanohablantes
LearningExpress Library: Job & Career Accelerator
LearningExpress Library: High School Equivalency Center
SJPL Works
LearningExpress Library: Recursos Para Hispanohablantes
LearningExpress Library: Job & Career Accelerator
LearningExpress Library: High School Equivalency Center
Attend Events
SJPL Works Business Events
Find events offered by SJPL Works on topics related to small business owners and entrepreneurs:
SJPL Works Business Events
SJPL Works Career Events
See all events offered by SJPL Works on topics related to careers and jobs:
SJPL Works Career Events
Career Digital Skill Building Events
Build up your knowledge and boost your confidence with technology! Learn the essentials for your work and personal life. Check out these events on digital skills related to jobs and careers:
*Career Digital Skill Building* Events
Job Skills Development Workshops in Vietnamese
Free Online Job Search, Online Application, Resume Building and Interview Tips will be offered at Tully, Berryessa, and Hillview libraries. The workshop series will be presented in Vietnamese: