Expanded Learning
Grade Level Proficiency Beyond the School Day
The City's Expanded Learning opportunities are critical to the success of all students. These programs provide:
- Safe places to learn and grow socially and emotionally
- Access to resources
- Support for bolstering skills needed for academic success
- Assistance in workforce development
- Platforms for increasing civic engagement
Learn more about the City of San José's expanded learning strategy, quality standards, and stats and outcomes.
Program Statistics and Outcomes
Ensuring grade-level proficiency for San José students across all neighborhoods has been proven to be one of the leading indicators of later academic success for students of all demographics.
Quality Standards
Proficient Standard
8,583 Library Programs
272,778 Attendees
Key Outcomes
- Ensure all students have access to quality afterschool and school support programs and services
- Create an Expanded Learning community of learning and training for staff
- Use data and assessments to guide program effectiveness and improvements

Roughly three-quarters of respondents reported that R.O.C.K./A.S.E.S. programs actively engage participants in healthy recreation activities and encourage healthy eating.
Quality Standards
2.00, Meets Standard
26 Program Sites
3,151 Participants
Program Outcomes
- 76% of respondents reported that their child is more actively engaged in healthy recreation activities based on what they learned in City of San Jose Afterschool programs
- 73% of respondents reported that City of San Jose Afterschool programs have encouraged their child to eat healthy foods and drink healthy beverages
Program Locations Map

SJ Learns

With 78% of students reporting an improvement in both literacy and math skills, SJ Learns is providing K-3 students a proven, vital learning intervention
Quality Standards
External Evaluation. Report in November 2024.
7 Grants Awarded
1,496 including Tutoring Matters Participants
Program Outcomes
- 85% of students with both fall and interim ELA assessments demonstrated growth
- About one-third of students (32%) moved up one performance band between fall and winter
- 78% of students with both fall and interim math assessments demonstrated growth.
Program Locations Map