eResources - Law, Government, Voting, & Politics

San Jose Library Card and PIN needed for home access to these eResources. Get an eLibrary Card.

Driving Tests

Practice tests for the California driving permit.

EBSCO Reference Center: Legal Information

Full-text access to legal reference books including Nolo books and legal forms for personal, family, real estate and small business topics.

EBSCOhost: Legal Collection

Articles on legal issues, studies, and trends from 250+ law journals. For college level and up.

Gale In Context: Global Issues

An analysis of critical global issues using historical documents, current viewpoints, news, country information, videos, podcasts and more.

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints

Explore current social issues with pro/con viewpoint essays, periodical articles, biographies, images, podcasts and more. Provided by Gale.

Gale In Context: US History

Get contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in U.S. History.

Gale In Context: World History in Context

Get contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in World History.

Gale Legal Forms

Access samples and completed examples of California Legal Forms along with legal articles and terminology.

United States Census Bureau

The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy.

United States Copyright Office

The US Copyright Office offers services and support to creators and users of creative works. Research & register a copyright.

Web Resources about Elections, Politics and Voting

These web resources have been selected for you by librarians.
statue with scales of justice in front of legal books

Web Resources about Law and Legal Help

These web resources have been selected for you by librarians.
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