Fall into Fiction Rubric

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When Looking At.... Ask Yourself...
Is this a unique story? If this is a popular story type, is it well executed? Is it predictable or does it keep you guessing? Is the story impactful?
Creative Expression
Does the vocabulary used match the content/events/action of the story? Do you feel there is a discernible style to the author’s writing? Are literary devices used? Do the literary devices enhance the writing/is their use appropriate?
Is the story easy to follow? Is there a clear beginning, middle, and end? Is the pacing appropriate for the story? Does the story make sense? Is there some form of resolution? Do sentences exhibit precision and good word choice?
Are the characters fully formed? Are they unique from each other? Do characters act in a way that is in accordance to their age/background? Do the characters have dimension?
Is the setting well established? Do characters fit well in the setting? Does the setting suit the characters, dialogue, and action?
Is the grammar and spelling correct? If the story includes dialogue, is it clearly written? Is it easily understood who is speaking? Are the language and word choices appropriate for the age group of the characters? How well was the piece proofread? Do the punctuation and spelling errors, if present, affect the readability of the story?
Creative Expression
Spelling / Grammar
1 - Novice
  • Writing feels like or is a retelling with little to no original thought/ideas
  • Doesn’t match contest theme
  • Writing lacks individual style/strong voice
  • Little to no literary devices/figurative and descriptive language
  • Telling vs showing (lots of summary)
  • Unorganized/confusing/lack of plot
  • Simple/fragmented sentences
  • Awkward or disjointed transitions
  • No tone/mood/atmosphere
  • Flat  character; character is a stereotype or lacks depths or contrasting facets
  • Story is not grounded in a setting or lacks setting description
  • Poor spelling and command of grammar/affects coherency of text
2 - Student
  • Some original thoughts/ideas, but still largely predictable
  • Somewhat matches contest theme
  • Some style/voice but lacks development
  • Attempted literary devices/figurative and descriptive language
  • Somewhat logical but lacks development or clear direction
  • Awkward/cliché/generic transitions
  • Mostly simple, but some variety in sentence structure
  • Flat character; while not a stereotype, character lacks depth/no contrasting sides or flaws  
  • Some idea of a setting, but description is largely too sparse or irrelevant
  • Many spelling/grammatical errors but decipherable
3 – Apprentice
  •  Original thoughts, somewhat predictable
  • Matches contest theme
  • Developing style/voice
  • Scattered/sparse use of literary devices/figurative and descriptive language
  • Somewhat logical, contains some direction but story incomplete
  • Cliché/generic transitions
  • Round character; character has one or two expressed facets/flaws/wants/needs/backstory
  • Some idea of setting, but descriptions are at times too sparse or long-winded/irrelevant/don’t engage senses beyond sight
  • Several spelling/grammatical errors
4 - Protégé
  • Writing based on original/unique idea or theme executed in unique way
  • Matches contest theme
  • Developing style/voice
  • Includes literary devices/figurative and descriptive language throughout
  • Logical and clear, contains at least 3 of the following: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
  • Some effective transitions
  • Demonstrates awareness of genre
  • Some variety in sentence structure
  • Round character; character has some depth, facets/ flaws/wants/needs, or backstory demonstrated in text
  • Somewhat relatable/real to reader
  • Story is grounded, descriptions are appropriate/relevant, engage some senses beyond sight
  •  Few spelling/grammatical errors
5 - Author
  • Writing based on a unique idea or perspective; unique plot developments; unpredictable twists
  • Uniquely matches contest theme
  • Established and discernible style/voice
  • Elegant and masterful use of literary devices/figurative language/descriptions
  • Showing vs Telling (appropriate use of describing vs summary)
  • Well organized story with effective/smooth transitions
  • Contains all of the following:  exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution  
  • Tone that complements genre and elicits mood/atmosphere
  • Variety in sentences creating fluid and interesting prose
  • Round character; character has depth, many facets/flaws/wants/needs or backstory in text
  • Character seems real/relatable to reader, author demonstrates more complete understanding of character
  • Story is grounded in a clear setting/place with relevant, dynamic descriptions
  • Five senses are engaged by descriptions
  • No spelling/grammatical errors


Submission Scorecard

Facet Points
Creative Expression
Spelling/Grammar /5
Total /30

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