Important Update: On August 1, 2024, SJ Access Hotspots and 4G Data on Chromebooks will be discontinued. Learn more here.
Borrow a Chromebook
Request a Chromebook
You can check out a Chromebook with your physical library card. This service is FREE and available to everyone.
Here's what you need to know to get started:

What Is a Chromebook?
A Chromebook functions like a laptop and runs on the Google operating system, Chrome OS. It has cloud storage and built-in Google apps. A Chromebook is best used with a reliable Wi-Fi (wifi) connection.
How to Borrow a Chromebook
- STEP 1: Find a Chromebook at your chosen library location and request it.
- STEP 2: Wait to be notified by email or phone once your Chromebook is ready for pickup.
- STEP 3: When you arrive at the library, let a staff member know you are picking up your Chromebook.
- STEP 4: When you pick up the Chromebook, staff will review the Device Policy and User Agreement before you sign it. Here is the agreement if you want to look at it before picking up your Chromebook: English | Español | Tiếng Việt.
- All new checkouts starting May 8, 2024 will have to sign the updated user agreement.
Please Note:
- Physical Library Card: If you have an eLibrary Card, you will need to convert it to one of our physical library cards. You need a physical library card account to check out devices. You can get your card by visiting any of our 25 library locations. To get your physical card, bring a valid photo ID and proof of address with you. Our library staff can also help you get your device.
- Checkout Period: The checkout period is 21 days with one auto renewal of 7 days if there are no other requests on the item
- Ages 17 and Under: Library members ages 17 and under need to be accompanied by an adult to pick up their Chromebook.
- Holds Limit: Each member is limited to 2 holds for all SJ Access Devices. This includes Chromebooks, iPads, and laptops.
- Wi-Fi for Chromebooks: You must use an internet connection for our Chromebooks. Need Wi-Fi (wifi)? Check out these locations.
- Digital Literacy Training: In guest mode, Digital Literacy curriculum is available. These are free, self-paced computer classes. They cover how to use the internet, laptops, and more. You can also take these classes from other devices.
How to Return Your Chromebook
- Hand your device to a staff member.
- Do not return your Chromebook in the book drop.
Frequently Asked Questions
You will need the following to check out most SJ Access devices:
Library Card: One of our physical library cards. If you have an eLibrary Card, you will need to get it converted to one of our physical cards. Here are the requirements for a Full Access physical library card:
- Visit one of our 25 locations to get your card.
- Be a California resident.
- Show a valid Photo ID with your legal name. Examples:
- California driver’s license
- Passport
- Permanent resident ID
- Employee ID
- Show proof of your current address in California. Examples:
- California driver's license
- Paycheck
- Mail postmarked within 30 days.
- Agree to our Borrower's Agreement.
- Please note: All new checkouts starting May 8, 2024 will have to sign the updated user agreement.
- If you don't meet one the above requirements, contact us. We have other types of physical cards that you might qualify for.
- Maybe an Adult: Library card members ages 17 and under need to be accompanied by an adult to pick up their device.
Related Page: SJ Access: Free Internet & Tech Devices
Library Card: One of our physical library cards. If you have an eLibrary Card, you will need to get it converted to one of our physical cards. Here are the requirements for a Full Access physical library card:
You can have two SJ Access device checkouts on your account.
Related Page: SJ Access: Free Internet & Tech Devices
You will need to use a cloud-based platform to save documents and media.
Related Page: Borrow a Chromebook
You can log in with your Google account and have access to or download Google apps from the Google Play Store. Anything you save should sync with your Google account.
Related Page: Borrow a Chromebook
If you don't have a cloud account, you may want to save documents to Google Drive. To do this you will need to get a Google account. The Chromebook will walk you through this process.
Related Page: Borrow a Chromebook
Need More Help?
- User Manual (PDF): English | Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文
- Device Policy and User Agreement (PDF): English | Español | Tiếng Việt
- Call us at 408-808-2000.
- Chat with us 7 days a week.