Britannica Escolar
Britannica Escolar es una enciclopedia en dos partes con portales para estudiantes de primaria y secundaria.
Britannica Escolar es una enciclopedia en dos partes con portales para estudiantes de primaria y secundaria.
Instantly available eBooks, audiobooks, music, and movies.
*Please note that starting February 13, 2025, eLibrary Cards will no longer provide access to OverDrive (Libby), Hoopla, and Coursera. To keep using these resources, you need to upgrade your library card to a full access card.
Hoopla contenido digital en el idioma español.
LearningExpress Library apoya a aquellos que buscan mejorar sus habilidades de lectoescritura y matemáticas; obtener un diploma equivalente a la escuela secundaria en California; o convertirse en ciudadanos estadounidenses.
Requiere crear una cuenta con su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico.
This resource is available thanks to funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.
LearningExpress Library Complete supports those looking to obtain occupational certification, prepare for college, find a job, become a U.S. citizen, and much more.
Use the Libby app to access Overdrive's collection of popular fiction and nonfiction eBooks and audiobooks, Kindle books, and magazines. Includes content in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Russian.
*Please note that starting February 13, 2025, eLibrary Cards will no longer provide access to OverDrive (Libby), Hoopla, and Coursera. To keep using these resources, you need to upgrade your library card to a full access card.
Spanish language interactive, illustrated story books, comics, novels, and poetry for children and teens. Also includes monthly book recommendations, reading guides, and access to virtual events.
Popular fiction and nonfiction eBooks and audiobooks, Kindle eBooks, and magazines. Includes content in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Russian.
You can also browse for and read Overdrive titles with the Palace app.
Prepárese para su examen de Naturalización de los Estados Unidos con pruebas de práctica, materiales y actividades de estudio.
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BiblioWeb: webapp03 Version 4.26.0 Last updated 2025/03/26 09:16