Library By Mail
The Library-by-Mail service provides books and other library materials to SJPL members of all ages living in the City of San José. Library-by-Mail is free. It is for individuals who are unable to visit the library due to a temporary or permanent disability.
How to Enroll
To enroll for Library-by-Mail at SJPL, please complete the application in full online or via printable PDF. After submitting this application, you will be emailed a certification form. Please share the certification form with your certifying authority for completion. A certifying authority can be a physician, nurse, or social worker.
Are you are unable to complete this form? Do you need assistance with the certification process? Please contact us at, so we may assist you.
Alternatively, a PDF print version of both the application and certification form can be completed and mailed to:
San Jose Public Library
Attn: Library-by-Mail, KPRR
150 East San Fernando Street
San Jose, CA 95112
PDF versions: English | Español | Tiếng Việt | 简体中文 | 中國傳統的)| 한국어
After Enrollment
When enrollment is completed, you will receive a welcome letter explaining how the Library-by-Mail service works, including how to contact a Library-by-Mail liaison if you have questions or to request materials.
For general inquiries regarding disability access, please email