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Maximize Your Membership
More Than Books
We have more than meets the eye. Uncover hidden gems at your library.
eBooks & eResources
We offer a wide variety of ebooks and emedia. We also have many useful eResources to discover and explore.
Lucky Day Collection
It's your lucky day! The Lucky Day collection has the hottest new titles and bestsellers, ready for checkout!
California State Parks Passes
Learn about the how you can visit CA state parks for free with your library card.
More Than Books
We have more than meets the eye. Uncover hidden gems at your library.
eBooks & eResources
We offer a wide variety of ebooks and emedia. We also have many useful eResources to discover and explore.
Lucky Day Collection
It's your lucky day! The Lucky Day collection has the hottest new titles and bestsellers, ready for checkout!
California State Parks Passes
Learn about the how you can visit CA state parks for free with your library card.
Exercise Your #RightToLibrary
September is Library Card Sign-up Month. At SJPL, we believe everyone should have a library card and use it! You can do amazing things with your free card. Sign-up today!
Attend an Event
Pick up your library card when you attend one of these events.
Attend an Event
Events Calendar
We’ve got something for everyone! Check out hundreds of free events happening across 25 locations.
Featured eResources
Find your roots, learn a language, plan an epic trip, or boost your career. All you need is your library card to make it happen.
Discover where your ancestors came from using census, birth, marriage, death and military records, newspaper articles, and family trees.
Mango Languages
Learn conversation skills for over 70 different languages. Some languages include feature films.
Information for travel planning and school state reports, including history, maps, symbols, climate, economy, demographics and schools.
LinkedIn Learning
Over 16,000 courses in 7 languages, delivered by expert instructors on creative, business, and tech topics. Library ID for the app: sjpl
Student Resources
We are here to support you and your student every step of the way.
Resources for Students
Online Homework Help Resources
Online resources to help with homework assignments for children and teens.
Get homework help from a live certified tutor or use study guides and tutorials on common subjects and state standardized tests.
Homework Clubs
Need help with your homework? Volunteers will be available to help Kindergarten - 8th-grade students with their homework.
Student Help
Excellence in school begins at the library. Find out how we help San José students succeed.
Beyond Books
We've also got movies, music, and eBooks for you to enjoy!