Local Lit

Red, blue, and yellow books flying like birds. Text: LocalLit Annual Author Fair.
Red, blue, and yellow books flying like birds. Text: LocalLit Annual Author Fair.
Red, blue, and yellow books flying like birds. Text: LocalLit Annual Author Fair.

Local Lit 2024

 Annual Local Author Fair

In proud partnership, San José State University King Library and San José Public Library, are pleased to announce the 12th annual LocalLit event!

We'll enjoy light refreshments and snacks while we listen to local authors share their stories and experiences in writing and publishing their works, answer questions from the public, and have copies of their books for sale.

This event is free and open to everyone.

Meet the Authors

Local Lit Authors and Books

You can find their books right here at the library.

Local Lit Authors

Library Resources to Help Your Writing

Find information on writing, other local authors and submit your own.

EBSCO Reference Center: Literature

Literary criticism, plot summaries, biographies, poems, short stories, and reviews. For high school level and up.

Short Édition

Read short works of fiction from local and international writers, or submit your own to the Short Edition collection.

NoveList Plus

Discover books to read next based on what you already like. For adults and older teens. Use library card number if asked for "Patron ID".

Find Your Writing Community

The Library has programs and blogs to help you.

Author and Writing Events

Vintage typewriter with quill pen and books.

Poetry Prompt: A Love Poem

Valentine's Day is over, but express and enjoy other forms of love for things and people in non-romantic ways. Try your hand at a love poem!
Vintage typewriter with quill pen and books.

New Year, More Writing!

If you have writing goals for this new year, looking for inspiration or ways to restart or freshen up your writing practice, start here!

Cultivate a Creative Writing Practice: Read Like a Writer

If you like to write, stories you read can become your guide to learn the craft of writing. Learn more about how to read like a writer!
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