Patent & Trademark Resource Center

Trademark & Patent Research Assistance

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library is a Patent and Trademark Resouce Center (PTRC). PTRCs are a nationwide network of public, state and academic libraries designated by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to support the public with trademark and patent research assistance.

How We Can Help

  • Access to resources such as PubWEST, databases for searching patents
    • PubWest – The public version of the Web-based Examiner’s Search Tool offers a server-based application tool for searching patent full-text and abstract databases. PubWEST is available at the King Library in SJPL Works during open hours. Please see staff for assistance with logging in.
  • Direct you to information and explain the application process and fee schedule
  • Demonstrate how to use search tools to conduct a patent or trademark search
  • Show you a directory of local patent attorneys who are licensed to practice before the USPTO
  • Classes on intellectual property
  • Assistance on how to do historical research patents and trademarks
  • Show you how to track current research by company or nonprofit

Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you with the following:

  • Conducting a patent/trademark search for you
  • Suggesting words to use in your search
  • Giving an opinion about your invention
  • Interpreting USPTO rules
  • Filling out forms on your behalf
  • Offering legal advice of any kind

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