Bookan 博看网 Newspapers & Magazines
Chinese language magazines covering topics such as entertainment, health, politics, and technology.
To log in, enter sjpl for username and password.
Chinese language magazines covering topics such as entertainment, health, politics, and technology.
To log in, enter sjpl for username and password.
Full-text articles and product ratings from Consumer Reports Magazine.
Latest issues of popular magazines including The Atlantic, Better Homes & Gardens, National Geographic, People, and Time.
Instantly available eBooks, audiobooks, music, and movies.
*Please note that starting February 13, 2025, eLibrary Cards will no longer provide access to OverDrive (Libby), Hoopla, and Coursera. To keep using these resources, you need to upgrade your library card to a full access card.
Hoopla contenido digital en el idioma español.
цифровые материалы на русском языке
中文網路视频: Hoopla Digital
Use the Libby app to access Overdrive's collection of popular fiction and nonfiction eBooks and audiobooks, Kindle books, and magazines. Includes content in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Russian.
*Please note that starting February 13, 2025, eLibrary Cards will no longer provide access to OverDrive (Libby), Hoopla, and Coursera. To keep using these resources, you need to upgrade your library card to a full access card.
In-library access to the New York Times online edition. Does not include access to additional content including Cooking, Games, and The Athletic.
Remote access to the New York Times online edition. Does not include access to additional content including Cooking, Games, and The Athletic.
Requires creating an account using your email address.
The New York Times daily edition is also available from Pressreader.
Popular fiction and nonfiction eBooks and audiobooks, Kindle eBooks, and magazines. Includes content in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Russian.
You can also browse for and read Overdrive titles with the Palace app.
Các Sách Điện Tử và Thâu Âm Đọc Truyện Điện Tử
Magazines and newspapers from around the world, in multiple languages. Includes popular titles such as The Economist, Rolling Stone, USA Today, and The Guardian.
In-library access to the San José Mercury News online edition, including limited access to back issues. Does not include access to the e-Edition.
Remote access to the San José Mercury News online edition, including limited access to back issues. Authenticated access includes the e-Edition.
In-library and remote access to the Wall Street Journal online edition, including the daily e-Edition, Wall Street Journal Magazine, and limited access to the archives (4 years).
Requires creating an account using your email address. Please do not share your sign-on credentials with anyone.
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BiblioWeb: webapp03 Version 4.25.2 Last updated 2025/03/23 08:08