San José Downtown Wi-Fi

San José Downtown Wi-Fi

Get Connected!

If you are at certain strategic corridors within the San José Downtown area, you can connect to the free, open Downtown San José high-speed public Wi-Fi network.

Connecting Your Devices

Search for “Access SJ Downtown” in your device’s wireless network options (select the   icon on your device). Most recent laptops, tablets and smart phones are wireless-enabled. (Learn more about your data privacy.)

Screenshot from iOS device of Wi-Fi settings page showing the "Access SJ Downtown" network.

All Set!

Thank you for using the San José Downtown Wi-Fi. Our goal is to give residents and visitors an enjoyable online service. Please keep in mind that:

  • Within the strategic corridors indicated by green lines in the coverage map, there would be a strong signal strength, allowing for a higher bandwidth - weaker coverage may exist in some areas due to streetscape and interference.
  • User experience will vary depending upon the client device (phone, tablet, laptop) and distance from Wi-Fi Access Point.
  • Frequencies used are unlicensed so interference from neighboring networks and other radio sources may occur and impact your service.
  • This Free Wi-Fi network was designed for outdoor coverage - indoor connectivity is not guaranteed.
  • Bandwidth and Internet usage is a free and shared service. There could be delays in downloading large files, especially during high-use periods of the day.

Learn more about SJ Access, the City’s digital inclusion initiative.

Map of San Jose Downtown Wi-Fi coverage.
Wi-Fi coverage map of downtown San José area.
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