Vendor Privacy Policies

San José Public Library licenses services and content from third-party vendors who have their own privacy policies and confidentiality practices. When you leave the library website, your interaction with these systems will be governed by their individual privacy policies. Check the privacy statements for specific vendors listed here to learn how your data is stored and used by them.
eBooks & eMedia
- Adobe Digital Editions (eReader)
- (eBooks in Kindle format)
- BiblioBoard
- Bibliotheca/3M
- Bookan - Policy not available
- Boundless (formerly Axis 360)
- cloudLibrary by Bibliotheca
- Enki
- Gale
- Hoopla
- HyRead
- LOTES Online for Kids - Storytime Pods
- Missions of California
- O'Reilly for Public Libraries (provided by ProQuest)
- Overdrive
- Request to Delete Your Personal Information: Libby
- Overdrive's policy for Children
- Short Édition
eLearning & eResearch
- ABCmouse
- Beanstack
- Coursera
- Digital Public Library of America
- Discover & Go, (PDF)
- Driving-Tests
- DL Consulting (California Digital Newspaper Collection)
- EBSCO (Explora, articles search)
- Encyclopedia Britannica
- Gale ("In Context" series, ChiltonLibrary, Gale Small Business Package)
- Learning Express Library
- Library of Congress Digital Collections
- LinkedIn Learning
- Mango
- MedlinePlus
- Mercury News Online
- New York Times Online
- NewsBank
- Northstar Digital Literacy
- P2PU (Peer 2 Peer University)
- PowerKnowledge
- Pressbooks
- PressReader
- PrivCo
- Pronunciator
- Proquest (Sanborn Maps, SJ Mercury digital)
- Reference Solutions Business Directory
- Rich's Online Directory
- Rock's Backpages
- Scholastic
- Indie Author Project Submissions (Formerly SELF-E from Library Journal)
- Treehouse
- Tuition Funding Sources
- Value Line
- Wall Street Journal (Dow Jones)
- World Trade Press
On Our Website
- BiblioCommons (new library catalog) - shared/public content details
- Eventbrite (events registration)
- Google Analytics - opt-out
- Gmail
- Gtranslate
- Hot Jar - opt-out
- Innovative Interfaces (Classic Catalog)
- LibAnswers/LibChat/LibCal (chat and online reference, room reservations )
- ILLiad (OCLC interlibrary loan)
- PayPal (online fines payment)
- Reserve a Computer/room (RAC) (The Active Network) (for Mt. Pleasant Neighborhood Library)
- Volunteer Match
- Bibliotheca self-checkout machines - Policy not available
- Career Online High School software
- CollectionHQ (collection management)
- Constant Contact (email newsletter) - California-specific
- ePrintit (mobile printing)
- Total Business Solutions, Inc. (printing and computer reservations)
- Unique Management Systems (fines collection agency) - Policy not available
Updated 2019-08-12