What's Happening
Vote for Your San Jose Educator of the Year!
Honoring César Chávez
Introducing Tech Hubs Powered by SJ Access
Circus Magic Unleashed
Vote for Your San Jose Educator of the Year!
Honoring César Chávez
Introducing Tech Hubs Powered by SJ Access
Circus Magic Unleashed

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New Events
Make memories with us.
Digital Skills Building: Introducción Google Drive y Maps
Friday Fun: Spring Floral Wreath
Friday Fun: Mr. Shap Magic Show!
Storytime with Opera San José: Zorro
Digital Skills Building: Introducción Google Drive y Maps
Friday Fun: Spring Floral Wreath
Friday Fun: Mr. Shap Magic Show!
Storytime with Opera San José: Zorro
Digital Skills Building: Introducción Google Drive y Maps
Friday Fun: Spring Floral Wreath
Friday Fun: Mr. Shap Magic Show!
Storytime with Opera San José: Zorro
Digital Skills Building: Introducción Google Drive y Maps
Friday Fun: Spring Floral Wreath
Friday Fun: Mr. Shap Magic Show!
Storytime with Opera San José: Zorro
New Titles
Find your next favorite read.
The Skill Series
Each season, we feature educational opportunities and services designed to elevate your life.
As the days grow shorter and the air turns crisp, settle into the season with time for reflection and discovery. Whether you’re nurturing your creativity, getting curious through our The Great Courses offerings, committing to some hands-on projects, or exploring your family’s story, our resources are here to enrich and inspire.
New Blogs & Lists
Let our experts inspire you.
Meet Mike: A Local Legendary Poet
International Children's Book Day
Step Up Tutoring: Free Virtual At-Home Tutoring Program
Meet Mike: A Local Legendary Poet
International Children's Book Day
Step Up Tutoring: Free Virtual At-Home Tutoring Program
Meet Mike: A Local Legendary Poet
International Children's Book Day
Step Up Tutoring: Free Virtual At-Home Tutoring Program
Meet Mike: A Local Legendary Poet
International Children's Book Day
Step Up Tutoring: Free Virtual At-Home Tutoring Program

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