Looking for some quality material to read on demand? These eBooks and eAudiobooks are waiting for you!
Many of our eBook & eAudiobook providers such as Overdrive and enki have worked with publishers to create collections of titles that are always available to be checked out without wait. These eBooks & eAudiobooks include newer titles as well as classics.
Explore the following collections on your favorite eBook platforms. You won't have to put them on hold!
eMedia Collections that are Always Available at Your Library
Always Available eAudiobooks from Overdrive
eAudiobooks are great to listen to while working on chores, cooking, relaxing at night, or any other reason you can think of! Enjoy some new favorites with this popular eAudiobook collection on Overdrive.
Always Available Classics from Overdrive
Has there been a story you've always wanted to read and now find that you have the time to enjoy it? Borrow any of these and read a classic without waiting!
Always Available Indie eBooks
This collection of eBooks celebrates authors who had winning entries submitted to the Indie Author Project. independently. Enjoy one today!
enki California Digital Library
Enki has partnered with Biblioboard to bring you this collection of eBooks from California's Digital Library.
Highlights include Indie Authors, Diversity in Literature, Sci/Fi & Fantasy, comics, and collections for Children and Young Adults.
Enjoy eMedia content with us - We're always open!
In addition to eBooks and eAudiobooks, we have plenty of eMagazines, eMovies, eMusic, and more waiting for you to enjoy. While exploring our eLearning and eMedia resources, you can sort by subject or look at our A - Z list to help narrow down your search.
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