Starting February 13, 2025, eLibrary Cards will no longer provide access to OverDrive (Libby), Hoopla and Coursera. To keep using these resources, you need to upgrade your library card to a full access card. For more information on this, please visit our FAQ.
San Jose Library Card and PIN needed for home access to these eResources. Get an eLibrary Card.
eResources by Format
Featured Learning Tools
Career & Technology
Get manuals, OEM diagrams, and Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) for automobiles and light trucks.
Access to over 5,000 courses and certifications led by top businesses, universities and organizations.
LearningExpress Library: Career Preparation
Offers preparation for professional exams, information about occupations, and skill-building for the workplace.
LearningExpress Library: Job & Career Accelerator
An easy-to-use search tool with everything patrons and students need to find, apply for, and get hired into ideal positions.
Get manuals, OEM diagrams, and Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) for automobiles and light trucks.
Access to over 5,000 courses and certifications led by top businesses, universities and organizations.
LearningExpress Library: Career Preparation
Offers preparation for professional exams, information about occupations, and skill-building for the workplace.
LearningExpress Library: Job & Career Accelerator
An easy-to-use search tool with everything patrons and students need to find, apply for, and get hired into ideal positions.
Citizenship & Learn English
LearningExpress Library: Adult Core Skills & Citizenship
Achieve personal, education and career goals by improving basic skills in reading, writing, math, and citizenship exam preparation.
Mango Languages
Learn conversation skills for over 70 different languages. Some languages include feature films.
Prepare for the US Naturalization Test through practice tests, exercises, and activities. Tutorial Getting Started / Overview
ProCitizen en Español
Prepárese para su examen de Naturalización de los Estados Unidos con pruebas de práctica, materiales y actividades de estudio.
LearningExpress Library: Adult Core Skills & Citizenship
Achieve personal, education and career goals by improving basic skills in reading, writing, math, and citizenship exam preparation.
Mango Languages
Learn conversation skills for over 70 different languages. Some languages include feature films.
Prepare for the US Naturalization Test through practice tests, exercises, and activities. Tutorial Getting Started / Overview
ProCitizen en Español
Prepárese para su examen de Naturalización de los Estados Unidos con pruebas de práctica, materiales y actividades de estudio.
Computer Basics
LearningExpress Library: Basic Computer Skills
Learn the basics of using a computer, the Internet, and Microsoft Office.
Mango Languages
Learn conversation skills for over 70 different languages. Some languages include feature films.
Language Learning
Mango Languages
Learn conversation skills for over 70 different languages. Some languages include feature films.
Learn conversational skills and grammar for over 80 languages. Some include special modules for children, films, music, and poetry.
Personal Growth
Access to over 5,000 courses and certifications led by top businesses, universities and organizations.
Read eBooks and eComics, listen to eAudiobooks and music, watch movies and TV.
LearningExpress Library: Adult Core Skills & Citizenship
Achieve personal, education and career goals by improving basic skills in reading, writing, math, and citizenship exam preparation.
Access to over 5,000 courses and certifications led by top businesses, universities and organizations.
Read eBooks and eComics, listen to eAudiobooks and music, watch movies and TV.
LearningExpress Library: Adult Core Skills & Citizenship
Achieve personal, education and career goals by improving basic skills in reading, writing, math, and citizenship exam preparation.
Reading & STEAM
ABCmouse is designed to teach children ages 2-8+. This in-Library use link only works inside our branch libraries or the King Library.
Awesome book and app recommendations, hand-picked for your child by librarians. Participate in 1000 Books Before Kindergarten.
Fiero Code
Fiero Code Club is a self-paced learn-to-code software for kids ages 8-18 featuring gamified projects and tutorials.
ABCmouse is designed to teach children ages 2-8+. This in-Library use link only works inside our branch libraries or the King Library.
Awesome book and app recommendations, hand-picked for your child by librarians. Participate in 1000 Books Before Kindergarten.
Fiero Code
Fiero Code Club is a self-paced learn-to-code software for kids ages 8-18 featuring gamified projects and tutorials.
eSpotlight Blogs
The Palace Project
Meet The Palace Project, an e-reading experience developed by and for libraries. Access the library’s eBooks in one simple app.
eSpotlight Alert! What to Know Before Converting your eCard
This eResources blog focuses on how converting an eCard to a Full Access card impacts eResource access.
Presentamos MakeMake
La colección de eBooks más reciente de SJPL presenta libros interactivos, cómics, y novelas de América Latina para niños y adolescentes.