California Room Collections

California Room Collections

The California Room at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library collects materials on California history with emphasis on the history of San José and Santa Clara Valley. Some topics covered are California ethnic groups, Gold Rush, indigenous people, missions, railroads, earthquakes of 1906 and 1989, famous Californians, overland journeys, and Spanish and Mexican California. Books and journals can be found by searching the San José Library Catalog. Please keep in mind that the California Room collection is non-circulating.

Our Digital Collections Database is available 24/7 and allows you to search and view historic images.

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Art, Music, Ephemera

Edith Harvey Heron

This collection includes watercolors by local artist and art therapist, Edith Harvey Heron.
Edmonia Lewis

Edmonia Lewis

The California Room features three marble sculptures created by Edmonia Lewis: Asleep, Awake and a bust of Abraham Lincoln.


This collection includes printed paper materials including brochures, handbills, memorabilia, pamphlets, tickets, and timetables.

Music Collections

The California Room houses a choral music, sheet music, and stock music collection including the work of many local musicians.

Books, Journals, Yearbooks

Books and Journals Collection

This collection contains rare books and journals dating from 1767 to 1910. Some are available in digitized format.

Ernestina Garcia Collection

Organizational materials related to Mexican American political activity in San Jose from the 1960s-1980s.

School Yearbooks

This collection includes yearbooks from high schools, middle schools and universities within Santa Clara County.

Government Records

Building Permits

San Jose building permits in print, digitized, and on microfilm.

Caltrans Right of Way Assessments 1960-1970

This collection includes Right of Way Assessments for the County of Santa Clara from 1938 through 1979.

San José City Records, 1850-1950

City of San José Council Minutes, Ordinance and Resolution Records, and photographs and records from the Office of the City Clerk.

San José Planning Division & Code Enforcement

This collection includes records from the City of San José's Planning Division and Code Enforcement Departments (PCBE).

Maps & Photographs

Aerial Photography

The aerial collection includes oblique and flyover aerials.

Map and Atlas Collection

Over 1,000 maps of various kinds from the 1860s - 1980s for San Jose, Santa Clara County and other areas throughout California.


The Historic Photograph Collection includes over 2,500 historical images focused on San Jose and Santa Clara County.

San José Redevelopment Agency Photograph Collection

This collection includes research materials and photographs from sundry projects undertaken by the San José Redevelopment Agency (SJRA).

News & Directories

Directories, City of San Jose and Vicinity

City directories for San José, San Francisco, and others in print, on microfilm, or online, Haines Criss Cross directories, and phone books.

Newspapers and Clippings

This collection includes clipping files, scrapbooks and microfilm of area newspapers.

Private Organization Records

Los Lupeños de San José Records

Administrative records, correspondence, clippings, ephemera, and photographs related to the Mexican dance and culture performance group.

Silicon Valley Company Archive (1986-1993)

700+ boxes of materials donated by over 600 early Silicon Valley tech companies, documenting the evolution of the Valley’s tech industry.

Willows Reading and Study Club Records

This collection includes membership rosters, agendas, and other materials pertaining to the Willows Reading and Study Club.

Research Collections

Anita Campos Collection

Materials relating to the San Jose chapter of the American GI Forum, a Hispanic veterans organization, compiled by Daniel and Anita Campos.

Bernal Research Files

Materials on the history of Rancho Santa Teresa and Santa Clara County pioneers, with an emphasis on the Bernal family.

Clyde Arbuckle Research Collection

Materials collected in the research for Arbuckle's "History of San José" covering the regional history of San José and Santa Clara County.

Ernestina Garcia Collection

Organizational materials related to Mexican American political activity in San Jose from the 1960s-1980s.
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