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eResources by Format

Featured Learning Tools

Career & Technology

Citizenship & Learn English

Computer Basics

LearningExpress Library: Basic Computer Skills

Learn the basics of using a computer, the Internet, and Microsoft Office.

Mango Languages

Learn conversation skills for over 70 different languages. Some languages include feature films.

Language Learning

Mango Languages

Learn conversation skills for over 70 different languages. Some languages include feature films.


Learn conversational skills and grammar for over 80 languages. Some include special modules for children, films, music, and poetry.

Personal Growth

Reading & STEAM

eSpotlight Blogs

eSpotlight Alert! What to Know Before Converting your eCard

This eResources blog focuses on how converting an eCard to a Full Access card impacts eResource access.

Presentamos MakeMake

La colección de eBooks más reciente de SJPL presenta libros interactivos, cómics, y novelas de América Latina para niños y adolescentes.

Introducing MakeMake

SJPL's newest eBook collection features interactive picture books, comics, novels, and poetry from Latin America for children and teens.
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