Press Release
Media Contacts
Marly Young, Communications Manager, San José Public Library Foundation
(408) 808-2365,
Elizabeth Castañeda, Public Information Manager, San José Public Library
(408) 458-0662,
For Immediate Release
June 20, 2023
San José Mercury News Digital Archives Now Available for Free to All San José Public Library Cardholders
Digital Archives Expansion Comes on Anniversary of San José Mercury News Launch
SAN JOSÉ, CA – On the 172nd anniversary of the San José Mercury News, the San José Public Library (SJPL) and the San José Public Library Foundation (SJPLF) announced that all of the more than 650,000 San José Public Library members will now have access to a digital archive of the San José Mercury News from 1900 to 1985 for free.
Library members can access the vast archives from any internet-connected device by visiting and entering their SJPL library card barcode and PIN number. Until now, students, researchers, and members of the public had to complete their research using microfilm and microfiche by traveling to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library’s California Room where nearly 60,000 historical documents are stored.
The digital archives expansion was made possible thanks to a donation from Margaret Ma, a lifelong San José resident who volunteered in SJPL’s California Room. “I made this gift in honor of my mother, Susan Renzel Carter, who grew up visiting the library. The gift is to honor her love of the library. It is my way of leaving the library a lasting gift that makes researchers' jobs a little easier," said Margaret Ma. The decision to donate to the San José Public Library Foundation to purchase the digital archives came about when she began researching her family’s past and struggled to use the microfilm reader to complete her research. She realized others would benefit from accessing the digital archives as she had.
“We’re thankful for the wonderful legacy gift in honor of Susan Renzel Carter,” said Jill Bourne, City Librarian. “This generous donation will allow the San José Public Library to provide free digital access to nearly eight decades of the San José Mercury News, adding assets to the library’s local history collection and tremendous value for our residents.”
The San José Public Library Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides advocacy and support to the San José Public Library, facilitated the digital archives expansion. “With Margaret’s generous donation, our region’s rich and vibrant history will be accessible to all library patrons with just a click of a mouse and their library card. The San José Public Library Foundation is proud to support this effort to expand access to knowledge and bring our research tools into the 21st century,” said Dawn Coppin, SJPLF’s Chief Executive Officer.
The San José Mercury News digital archives are now available at
About the San José Public Library
San José Public Library (SJPL) is located in the heart of Silicon Valley and in the nation's 12th largest city. SJPL serves a culturally diverse population of nearly one million and has over 650,000 library members, making it one of the busiest library systems nationwide. The library has worked to cultivate and establish a 21st Century library experience dedicated to public service and committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion at the core of its efforts. In addition to providing free library services to the community, SJPL proudly leads two citywide initiatives - the City's Education and Digital Literacy Strategy and the City's SJ Access digital equity initiative, which has become the number one provider of free public access to Wi-Fi connectivity, tech device lending, and multi-lingual digital literacy programs and support in the city. For more information, please visit
About the San José Public Library Foundation
The San José Public Library Foundation (SJPLF) was established in 1987 by a group of dedicated community volunteers who understood that a great library system needed more than public funding. Today, SJPLF provides advocacy, financial support, and leadership to our public libraries and educational programs throughout San José. As a partner of the San José Public Library, SJPLF is committed to keeping the Library thriving for generations to come to cultivate an educated, equitable, and engaged community where everyone has access to lifelong learning. For more information, please visit
San José Public Library 150 E. San Fernando St. San José, CA 95112-3580 tel (408) 808-2355 fax (408) 808-2133 web